Amending certificates in Austria: complete steps from A to Z

Amending certificates in Austria: complete steps from A to Z

From degrees and diplomas to vocational training, here's how to modify degrees in Austria.

Whether you are moving to Austria to study, start working in an organization or want to work as a freelancer, you will need to be well aware of whether your qualifications are recognized or not.

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Depending on your situation, you may also need to arrange a work permit, or if, for example, you have a certificate in a medical specialty, you need permission to practice the profession or pursue graduate studies before travelling.

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Grading and qualifications system in Austria

Universities in Austria specifically follow the Bologna System or the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). But the good thing about the subject is that to work in Austria, you do not need to know more about this subject, but it only concerns you if you want to study a specific specialty at the university.

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Types of recognition of qualifications in Austria

Basically, there are three types of recognition of qualifications in Austria, as follows:

  • Professional recognition of employment certificates without studies.
  • Recognition of bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees.
  • Adopting free trade without study.

Each of the previous types requires its owner to submit a separate application. To simplify the matter, let us explain with the following example:

For example, you are 40 years old and want to work in Austria. You do not have certificates, but you have a profession that you practice, for example, a blacksmith or a carpenter. In this case, you must submit your application to practice your profession in Austria to the Craft Employment Agency, or what is also called the Craft Works Union. It is the government institution responsible for you.

But also, for example, you are 30 years old and want to study a master’s degree at an Austrian university. You must apply directly to the university, as it is responsible for the equivalency of your first university degree (bachelor’s degree). However, if you want to work as an engineer, for example, here you need to submit an application to the center. Modification in the desired city according to your specialization.

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Can you submit a request to amend certificates in Austria?

Basically, if you have a degree from an EU university you do not need to get it recognized in Austria. However, if you hold a university degree from another country, you will definitely need to apply before traveling.

Among the most popular professions in demand in Austria are:

  • Nurses
  • Midwives
  • the doctors
  • Dentists
  • Pharmacists
  • Architects
  • Veterinarians.
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In our topic today, we will discuss each certificate separately, starting with:

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Amending the secondary school certificate in Austria

Basically, you must submit a request to amend school certificates before starting to study in Austria, but fortunately the matter is very simple. All you have to do is apply to the university online, and sometimes universities request that the original certified certificates be sent to them via mail. If you get accepted, this means that your degree is recognized in Austria. You can complete your studies there.

Austria high school

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Amending a university certificate in Austria

Here we will distinguish two goals of submitting a request to amend a university certificate:

  • The first is for the purpose of pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree
  • The second is for the purpose of working directly.

If you want to continue your studies in Austria after obtaining a university degree, the matter is very simple and all you have to do is apply to the university directly to obtain university admission.

But if you want to submit an amendment request for the purpose of working as an engineer, doctor, nurse, or other academic profession, this means that you must submit the request directly to the union responsible for you in Austria.

Continue reading to reach the point of amendment offices to learn more about this topic.

Degrees and qualifications in Austria

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Submit a request to amend certificates in Austria via the Internet for those outside Austria

The National Academic Recognition Information Center called ENIC-NARIC AUSTRIA of the Austrian Ministry of Labor and Enterprise is your first point of contact for all questions regarding the recognition of international university degrees in Austria.

The required documents are:

  • Certificates translated into full German.
  • Signed CV
  • Don't judge it by your country
  • A copy of the passport
  • A copy of the birth certificate
  • Application for professional recognition of your degree._(You ​​can obtain it from Recognition information application system)
  • A CV signed directly by the applicant that matches the passport signature and must be in German.
  • Other papers such as specialization and training certificates and grade transcripts.
  • German language certificate

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Offices for amending certificates in Austria for those inside Austria

هناك Four points of contact Responsible for the recognition, assessment and transfer of qualifications from other countries. These are located in the following:

  • In Vienna and northern Burgenland
  • In Salzburg and in Meijer
  • In Styria, Carinthia and southern Burgenland
  • In Tyrol and Vorarlberg

These offices are only for those inside Austria, and if you are inside Austria, you must go to the website that we mentioned previously to submit the application.

Read our guide at Amending foreign certificates in Germany

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