Cost of studying in Liechtenstein

Cost of studying in Liechtenstein

The official currency is the Swiss franc, and the cost of studying in Liechtenstein depends on where you study and the type of degree you choose. Another factor that may also affect the cost is where you are from. 

 On average, you should expect to pay around €1500 per year.

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The cost of living is reasonable and comparable to other European countries. You should expect to need around €650 per month. This includes accommodation and travel. You should always budget for more than the necessities, if you can. 

The cheapest accommodation is always shared accommodation, so it would be worth having a look at this on the website of the university you are enrolling at.

Other costs that the interested student needs Studying in Liechenstein To take into consideration is health insurance. You will always need to pay around €68 per month to cover basic healthcare costs. This means that you will need to either purchase an insurance policy, or verify that your insurance is current if you have international insurance in your country, for example. In any case, the university you enroll in will help you regarding insurance.

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The cost of studying a bachelor's degree in Liechenstein

Cost of studying in Liechtenstein Expected For this year’s bachelor’s degree at Liechenstein University annually:

Bachelor of Human Medicine1700 $
Bachelor of Dentistry1700 $
Bachelor of Pharmacy1700 $
Bachelor of Engineering $ 1500
bachelor of science$ 1500

Read also: Immigration and obtaining a Liechtenstein visa

The cost of studying a bachelor's degree in Liechenstein

The expected cost of studying in Liechtenstein for this year’s master’s degree at the University of Liechtenstein annually:

Master's degree in Human Medicine5000 $
Master of Dentistry5000 $
Master of Pharmacy4000 $
Master of Engineering 4000 $
Master of Science4000 $

Read also: Study in Liechtenstein

Cost of living in Liechenstein

1 kilogram of chicken fillet12 $
1 kilogram of round beef20 $
1 kilogram of apples2 $
1 kilogram of banana4 $
1 kilogram from Portugal5 $
1 kilogram of tomatoes4 $
1 kilogram of potatoes3 $
1 kilogram of onions3 $