تسجيل الدخول

خطاب النية للمنحة التركية + نماذج مجانية لجميع التخصصات

تعرف على كيفية كتابة خطاب النية للمنحة التركية بنماذج مجانية لجميع التخصصات. اجعل خطوتك الأولى نحو تحقيق الفرصة المثالية.

تحميل نماذج خطاب النية للمنحة التركية مجاناً من موقع ستودي شووت, بالاضافة الى معرفة أهم الاسئلة التي ستُطرح في كتابة خطاب النوايا لكل المتقدمين.

يجب أن تعرف أنه لايجوز نسخ كل محتوى النماذج كما هو وتقديمه و لكن يجب أن تعتمد مبدأ التعديل الشخصي عليه. قم باعطاء واضفاء طابعك الشخصي على نموذج خطاب النوايا لكي تثبت أهليتك للتقديم.

المحتويات +

ما هو خطاب النية للمنحة التركية؟

خطاب النوايا للمنحة أو التسجيل في الجامعة في كلية معينة , وبه يمكنك أن تكتب مقال معين عن نفسك و مستقبلك، مالذي تنوي فعله في الكلية ولماذا تريد التسجيل بها تحديداً و ماذا ستفعل بعد انتهاء الدراسة.

يجب أن تحدد كل أهدافك المستقبلية والحالية هنا, وكيف يمكن لهذه المنحة أن تؤثر على حياتك العملية والمهنية. وأيضاً يجب أن تقوم من خلال خطاب النيّة اقناع القارىء بأن يوافق على طلبك.

سيحدث خطاب النوايا الفرق الحازم بين قبولك ورفض, لذلك يجب أن تنتبه جيداً لكتابته بأفضل ما يمكنك.

كيف تكتب خطاب النية؟

هناك بعض الاجابات التي يجب عليك اعطاؤها وتدوينها اثناء كتابة نموذج خطاب النوايا للمنحة التركية

1. لماذا اخترت تركيا وجهة لدراستك؟

اشرح في خطاب النوايا حدود 3000 حرف عن سبب اهتمامك بالدراسة في تركيا , ماهي الدوافع التي لديك والتي جعلت من خيار الدراسة في هذا البلد ممكناً لك. يمكنك البدء بهذا القسم كالتالي :

  1. اكتب عن مميزات تركيا, الثقافة والتنوع السكاني والحضارة التي به.
  2. اكتب شيئاً عن الجامعات بشكل عام في تركيا بجمل مختصرة.
  3. اكتب واربط الصلة بين تركيا , والتخصص الذي اخترته. فمثلا لو كنت تريد دراسة الهندسة الطبية, فاكتب ماهي مدى حضارة و تقدم هذا البلد في الهندسة الطبية.

2. لماذا اخترت هذا التخصص؟

مهم جداً عند كتابة نموذج خطاب النوايا للمنحة التركية الإجابة عن هذا السؤال وتوضيح فكرة أنّ المتقدّم قد اختار هذا التخصص عن علم ودراية ولم يضعه ضمن قائمته بشكل عشوائي، وعلى الرغم من أنّه يمكن للمتقدم اختيار أكثر من تخصص أثناء تقديم الطلب، إلاّ أنه يفضّل اختيار تخصص واحد في أكثر من جامعة أو على الأقل اختيار تخصصات قريبة من بعضها، فآخر ما ترغب فيه هو أن تأخذ لجنة التحكيم فكرة عنك أنّك مشتت الذهن لا تعرف ما تريد. فيما يلي بعض الأمور التي يمكنك أخذها في عين الاعتبار عند الإجابة على هذا السؤال:

  1. اكتب عن خلفيتك العليمة بما يتعلق بهذا التخصص وما تعرفه عن التخصص (أو التخصصات) التي اخترتها للدراسة.
  2. في حال كنت قد اخترت أكثر من تخصص، احرص على أن تكون قريبة من بعضها وتحدّث عن أمور تربط بينها لتظهر أنك لست مشتّت الذهن.
  3. أظهر شغفك بالتخصص الذي اخترته.

3. ما هي طموحاتك بعد التخرّج؟

تخيل لو انك تخرجت من الدراسة في تركيا ؟ ماذا ستفعل بعدها! من خلال الإجابة عن هذا السؤال في خطاب النوايا ، يوضّح المتقدّم خططه المستقبلية بعد إنهاء المرحلة الجامعية ويعطي انطباعًا بأنه شخص يملك أهدافًا محدّدة على المدى القريب والبعيد . ولعلّ من أهم الأمور التي يمكن للمتقدّم أن يذكرها أثناء الإجابة عن هذا السؤال، هي خدمة بلده والمساهمة في إثرائها ونقل الخبرات التي حصل عليها أثناء الدراسة في هذا البلد . كما يمكنه أيضًا التحدّث عن فكرة مواصلة دراساته العليا (ماجستير أو دكتوراه) أو القيام بمشاريع خاصّة.

  • احرص على أن تكون صادقًا قدر الإمكان.
  • تجنّب التحدّث عن أهداف شخصية ذات طابع غير مهني كالتحدث عن إنشاء عائلة مثلاً.
  • ليس من الضروري الحديث عن أهداف مفصّلة، لكن احرص على أن تعطي انطباعًا بأنك تخطّط لحياتك المستقبلية ولديك رؤية حول المستقبل.

من المهم جداً ان تقوم بانشاء و كتابة نموذج خطاب النوايا للمنحة التركية بنفسك , بحيث ولربما يتم اعطاؤك فرصة لاجراء مقابلة بعد أو قبل القبول, فهنا لابد من معرفتك الكاملة من محتوى ما كنت قد كتبته سابقاً في رسالة خطاب نوايا التقديم.

قدّم الآن على المنحة التركية الممولة بالكامل .

صيغة خطاب النية

  • الاسم والمعلومات مثل العنوان والايميل ورقم الهاتف.
  • اسم الجامعة وعنوانها.
  • تاريخ كتابة الخطاب.
  • الجملة الافتتاحية للخطاب بعد التحيّة.
  • اكتب المحتوى المناسب مع تحديد الأهداف بشكل واضح.
  • الخاتمة.
  • توقيع كاتب الخطاب.

نموذج خطاب النوايا للمنحة التركية للبكالوريوس

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my strong interest in applying for the Turkish Scholarship. I am confident that this opportunity would not only allow me to further my academic pursuits, but also provide me with the opportunity to immerse myself in the rich culture and history of Turkey.

As a student of [Your Major], I have always been fascinated by the diverse and complex histories of the Middle East and Eastern Europe. I believe that the opportunity to study in Turkey would provide me with a unique and invaluable perspective on the region, as well as allow me to build upon my knowledge of the language and culture.

In addition to my academic interests, I am also a strong believer in the value of cultural exchange and understanding. I am eager to learn more about the people and customs of Turkey, and to use my time there as a way to build bridges between our cultures.

I am confident that my academic background, passion for cultural exchange, and strong work ethic make me an ideal candidate for the Turkish Scholarship. I would be honored to have the opportunity to further my studies in this beautiful and fascinating country.

Thank you for considering my application.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

نموذج خطاب النوايا للمنحة التركية للماجستير

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my strong interest in applying for the Turkish Scholarship for a master’s degree program. I believe that this opportunity would not only allow me to further my academic pursuits, but also provide me with the opportunity to immerse myself in the rich culture and history of Turkey.

As a student of [Your Major], I have always been fascinated by the diverse and complex histories of the Middle East and Eastern Europe. I am particularly interested in pursuing a master’s degree in [Your Desired Field of Study] at a university in Turkey, as I believe that the country’s unique cultural and historical context would provide me with a unique and invaluable perspective on the region.

In addition to my academic interests, I am also a strong believer in the value of cultural exchange and understanding. I am eager to learn more about the people and customs of Turkey, and to use my time there as a way to build bridges between our cultures.

I am confident that my academic background, passion for cultural exchange, and strong work ethic make me an ideal candidate for the Turkish Scholarship. I would be honored to have the opportunity to further my studies in this beautiful and fascinating country.

Thank you for considering my application.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

خطاب نوايا للمنحة عربي

سيدي العزيز او سيدتي،

أكتب لأعبر عن اهتمامي القوي بالتقدم بطلب للحصول على المنحة التركية لبرنامج درجة الماجستير. أعتقد أن هذه الفرصة لن تسمح لي بتعزيز مساعي الأكاديمية فحسب ، بل ستتيح لي أيضًا فرصة الانغماس في الثقافة والتاريخ الثريين لتركيا.

بصفتي طالبًا في [تخصصك] ، كنت دائمًا مفتونًا بالتواريخ المتنوعة والمعقدة للشرق الأوسط وأوروبا الشرقية. أنا مهتم بشكل خاص بالحصول على درجة الماجستير في [مجال دراستك المرغوب] في إحدى جامعات تركيا ، حيث أعتقد أن السياق الثقافي والتاريخي الفريد للبلد سيوفر لي منظورًا فريدًا لا يقدر بثمن بشأن المنطقة.

بالإضافة إلى اهتماماتي الأكاديمية ، أنا أيضًا من أشد المؤمنين بقيمة التبادل الثقافي والتفاهم. أنا حريص على معرفة المزيد عن شعب وعادات تركيا ، واستخدام وقتي هناك كوسيلة لبناء الجسور بين ثقافاتنا.

أنا واثق من أن خلفيتي الأكاديمية وشغفي للتبادل الثقافي وأخلاقيات العمل القوية تجعلني مرشحًا مثاليًا للمنحة التركية. يشرفني أن تتاح لي الفرصة لمواصلة دراستي في هذا البلد الجميل والرائع.

أشكركم على النظر في طلبي.

مع خالص التقدير ، [اسمك]

نموذج خطاب النوايا للمنحة التركية جاهز

1. نموذج خطاب نيّة للمنحة باللغة الانكليزية

Ever since I was a child, I have loved participating in social activities and voicing my opinions in front of others. I have seen and learned how to persuade, how to be confident, how to lead a team and be a leader. Since I got into high school and I’m good in all academic subjects, at that time I worked in some institutions and organizations as a volunteer and when I finished high school I started to develop myself by doing some in addition to my Volunteering in institutions participated in courses and programs, so I want to continue my bachelor’s degree.

I completed my secondary education and trained at the STUDYSHOOT Foundation for Sustainable Development and after completing the training I had the opportunity to work in the area of ​​awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals.

I have chosen Turkey because of its great progress at the level of international universities and because it is considered one of the most important countries interested in science and education, from which the desired and long-lived generations come, as well as the great rapprochement between Turkey and Yemen in cultural and social terms. I strive to study in your universities to return to the level of knowledge and experience, knowing that Turkey is one of the developed countries in all areas and the best proof of this is the great progress they have made in has made the last ten years.

2. نموذج خطاب النوايا جاهز بالعربي

منذ أن كنت طفلاً ، أحببت المشاركة في الأنشطة الاجتماعية والتعبير عن آرائي أمام الآخرين. لقد رأيت وتعلمت كيف أقنع ، وكيف أكون واثقًا ، وكيف أقود فريقًا وأكون قائدًا. منذ أن دخلت المدرسة الثانوية وأنا جيد في جميع المواد الأكاديمية ، في ذلك الوقت عملت في بعض المؤسسات والمنظمات كمتطوع وعندما أنهيت المدرسة الثانوية بدأت في تطوير نفسي من خلال القيام ببعض الأعمال بالإضافة إلى التطوع في المؤسسات شاركت في الدورات والبرامج ، لذلك أرغب في مواصلة درجة البكالوريوس.

أكملت تعليمي الثانوي وتدربت في مؤسسة ستودي شووت للتنمية المستدامة وبعد الانتهاء من التدريب أتيحت لي الفرصة للعمل في مجال التوعية بأهداف التنمية المستدامة.

لقد اخترت تركيا لما حققته من تقدم كبير على مستوى الجامعات العالمية ولأنها تعتبر من أهم الدول المهتمة بالعلم والتعليم والتي تنحدر منها الأجيال المنشودة والمعمرة ، وكذلك التقارب الكبير بين تركيا واليمن ثقافيا واجتماعيا. أسعى جاهداً للدراسة في جامعاتكم للعودة إلى مستوى المعرفة والخبرة ، مع العلم أن تركيا من الدول المتقدمة في جميع المجالات وخير دليل على ذلك التقدم الكبير الذي حققته في السنوات العشر الماضية.

3. نموذج خطاب النوايا باللغة الإنجليزية

Dear Sir or Madam: With this letter, I would like to express my interest in studying at the University of XY as an Erasmus student. I am currently studying Master’s Degree programme in Regional Geography at the ABC University in London. Having looked through the materials of the Foreign Department of my university, I was very delighted to find the opportunity to spend one semester learning geography at the University of XY.

I have decided to apply for this programme because I am sure it would strongly enrich my future studies and help me in my prospective career. Moreover I consider this programme as a great opportunity to get in touch with British culture and educational system. Last but not least, I am very curious about different approaches to the geography at the foreign university. I have chosen to apply for University of XY, because I really like its module system of study.
I specially appreciate the wide range of offered modules and the freedom in making your study plan. Many of the modules offered are unique for me, because there is no equivalent at my home university.

Very important for me is also an “Excellent” rating for teaching of the Geography department and the overall friendly atmosphere at both the university as well as the city. The third main reason why I have chosen XY is its Urban and Regional Policy Research Institute. It specializes in interdisciplinary research on key regional and urban policy issues, which is the field of geography very familiar to me.

During my prior studies I have found out, that I would like to specialize in Urban and Transport Geography. The University of XY gives me a chance to get in touch with these subjects through modules from both Department of Geography and Department of Town and Regional Planning.

In my last year at the ABC University I worked on an empirical study with main focus on transportation costs of suburbanisation and urban sprawl. I really liked my project and I am keen to continue in it. I would like to use my stay in XY for further developing my skills in empirical research and starting working on my diploma project. The possibilities that gives me University of XY further expand those at my home university.

I would take modules focusing on Transport and Urban geography and European Studies. I would very much like to spend one semester at the University of XY. This would give me a chance to deepen my geographical knowledge in the inspiring, creative, and cosmopolite environment of one of the largest British universities.

Furthermore I could improve my English and increase my confidence in passing the TOEFL examinations after I return. Moreover, I am confident that my experience in London would be extremely exciting, fun, and valuable for both my studies and overall general development. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response. Yours faithfully, Suzan Parent

4. نموذج خطاب النوايا بالانكليزي

University of XY
Ahmad Hariri: Personal Statement
Applicant for September 20XX admission to Medical School
Having grown up surrounded by doctors, I know the rewards and achievements to be found in having
a positive impact on people‘s lives. I have also seen some of the lows doctors experience and how
things don’t always go according to plan.

My desire to become a doctor was strengthened when my
best friend’s father fell ill with a brain tumour. His family has suffered as their father slowly became
permanently mentally handicapped.

The entire experience has shown me how the interpersonal skills
and expertise of the doctors helped reduce the pain for all the family. It showed me again the
satisfaction doctors can gain.

After witnessing this illness I began voluntary work at a local charity, Mind, where they care for
mentally handicapped people who are also deaf and/or blind. I helped the carers tend for the patients
by performing tasks such as helping a patient write a letter or reading to a blind man.

Through this I
have seen the challenges that the patients and their carers face every day. I was immensely proud of a
particular friend of mine, a deaf man called Rob, when through a great deal of using sign language,
told me about the mother bird and her chicks he had seen on a recent trip into the local town.

really brought home to me the patience and communicative skills required but also showed me again
how rewarding it can be to help someone in this situation and see their joy as a result.
I felt I needed to reinforce my insight into medicine as a career at a higher level by working for three
weeks at the University of Manchester Hospital. Here I shadowed consultants and junior doctors in
three specialties, HPB, Neuro and Orthopaedic Surgery.

The need for them to work together was most apparent to me in the operating theatre where I observed many operations. Watching Mr Jones, a Paediatric Surgeon and Mr Taylor, an HPB surgeon, combining their extensive knowledge to remove a tumour from the liver of a 4 year old child was quite simply an incredible event. It showed me the teamwork, trust, resilience and the determination required by doctors.

I also recognised the huge importance of being able to listen and speak to patients. I saw the distress of a patient whose doctor would not to listen to his problems; the doctor simply would not take on what the patient was saying,
and the patient’s pain relief and treatment was not forthcoming.

My voluntary work at Newtown Scouts and Newtown Rugby Club has allowed me to obtain not only
strong communicative and interpersonal skills but also showed me how to positively interact with and
support the local community.

Sport is an extremely important part of my life. I was captain of my rugby team last year and play for
the club and school teams. Whilst captain, I needed to develop the ability to lead with confidence,
work with my team and remain strong under pressure, especially when not performing well.

this, I sail regularly at Newtown Sailing Club and I walked the Blue Hills expedition in the 35 and 45
mile teams, an event held every year where teams walk set distances (35, 45 and 55 miles). These
sports allow me to push myself beyond the norm, as I have to work very hard for the achievements I
gain through them, showing my ambition and determination.

Having seen the stresses put on doctors, I believe I will be able to cope with the intense demands of Medicine helped by the stamina and strength my sporting activities have given me.

I am a highly driven individual who wishes to rise to the challenge and enjoyment presented by
university and more specifically by a course in Medicine. I realize the extreme demands made on a
Medical student and Practitioner but believe I possess the qualities and skills to become an excellent

5. نموذج خطاب نوايا بالانكليزي

University of Istanbul
Annenberg School for Communications and Journalism
Letter of Motivation: Markus Miller
Applicant for September 20XX admission to the Master’s in Communication program
Dear _,
I am currently completing my bachelor’s degree in Egypt Studies with a minor in Media Communications at the Al Azhar. Since my focus has increasingly centered on communications, I would like to continue my studies in a graduate communications program in the Egypt.

After considerable research, I am sure that the Annenberg School with its international reputation
for excellence, and worldwide network of alumni is the best fit for my interests and future career.

Your faculty expertise in new and social media is especially important to me. A great deal of the
literature I have read on the subject has been written by professors of the Annenberg School. I
hope to work in corporate communications for an international company. Although organizations
are beginning to understand the increasing impact of new and social media, real expertise in the
area is just developing.

What I can contribute to the program, in addition to my great enthusiasm for the field, is an international perspective from my studies in UAE as well as varied communication internships.

working in their corporate communications group, gave me hands-on experience and an increased understanding of the complexities of corporate communications in a digital world. In my internship in the communications department of HypoVereinsbank in Dubai, I was able to help create internal communications for employees
during a transition period when the bank changed from a locally owned enterprise to a subsidiary
of in international company.

I am an outgoing person and an enthusiastic participant in sports such as soccer, tennis and
mountain biking. After my graduation in June, I plan to take a ‘gap year’ that will include a solo
backpacking trip through Southeast Asia and nine months as a volunteer English teacher at a
refugee center in Thailand.

I appreciate you considering my application and I would be honored to be part of your Master’s in
Communication program in September 20XX. I understand that you will attract the best
candidates in the field and I am confident that I would flourish in that environment. Working and
sharing with other highly motivated students would be a joy.

The recommendation letters you
requested have been sent directly to you. Please let me know if you would like any additional

6. نموذج خطاب النوايا بالانكليزي

Motivation Letter
Add here
I was very glad when I saw this particular opportunity to apply for a Master program
in Mechanical Engineering and with this letter I would like to express my strong
motivation for this master course. I am a graduate of the University Of
……………holding BSc degree in Mechanical engineering.

I have graduated at
University of………. where I was able to get a solid knowledge in the field. I hold
especial interest in the Controlling system and computer aided engineering, and I
would like to do specialization in this particular area.

After careful overview of the master program you are offering with at your University,
I believe that curricula fully suits my intentions, and therefore I would like to get an
opportunity to attend this program.

Therefore, I will be very grateful to be provided with this programme to improve my
education and incent my career prospects. Knowledge gained on the studies at your
University I see as an extraordinary career opportunity, and therefore I would be very
glad if you could support my education with .

at the end I would like to point out that I am determined to make the most of this
opportunity. I believe that being a student in your department would not only
empower my career development, but would give me the framework to utilize my full
potentials. Moreover I feel that as a Masters student at your University, I can benefit
from the numerous challenging career opportunities.
Once again I am grateful for considering my application and I look forward to a
favorable reply.

7. نموذج خطاب النوايا جاهز

With the tremendous scientific, engineering, and technological revolution we are witnessing, minds are racing to climb the steps to achieve ambition

I strive to realize my ambitions in the field of architecture, “because this field is close to me and my strong desire for it. I got to know many of their subjects and courses and met many professionals in this field, which made me cling even more to this dream. Due to the speed at which I am learning other languages ​​and the lack of female cadres in this field in my country, I hope to be one of the women who will again contribute to my country’s renaissance and development. to the community.

I have met many countries that have universities that give me the right environment to achieve these goals and Turkish universities are the same. Technological and global development.

There were many reasons that made me choose the Turkish state as the place to realize my ambitions, the most important of which are:

1/ It linked on the one hand the development of the European countries and on the other hand the preservation of the Islamic cultural heritage of the Arab and Islamic countries.

2/ Always one of the first countries to take the initiative to support science and students, giving them security and stability

3/ Promotion of cultural exchanges and social openness with a high degree of equality between the nationalities living in their territories

4/ The distinctive architecture unique in Turkey since ancient times.

And I aspire to return home, after graduating with an architecture major, “with a smile on my face and armed with modern science and many different skills and cultures that give me the ingredients for success that qualify me to be an effective element in my life his family and community work and to participate with my fellow engineers in rebuilding our country, contributing to its development and recovery, the smiles and artistic beauty in its streets.

Architecture, art, design and construction techniques that aim to combine the practical and aesthetic needs of construction. Everyone of that age needs an architect, but the beauty of the building has become a benchmark of the country’s progress and prosperity, and this dream has haunted me since childhood and draws my attention to it.

With the conditions that our country has reached and the many reasons that have led to structural collapse in many provinces, there was an incentive that drove me to this specialization to build a new, safe and stable country.

في ظل الثورة العلمية والتقنية والتكنولوجية الهائلة التي نشهدها: العقول تتسابق على صعود الدرج لتحقيق الطموحات

أطمح لتحقيق طموحاتي في مجال العمارة “لأن هذا المجال قريب مني ورغبتي القوية فيه. لقد تعرفت على العديد من موضوعاتها ودراساتها والتقيت بالعديد من المتخصصين في هذا المجال مما أدى إلى تمسك بهذا الحلم أكثر. السرعة التي أتعلم بها اللغات الأخرى ، وندرة الكادر النسائي في هذا المجال في بلدي ، أتمنى أن أكون من النساء اللواتي سيساهمن في نهضة بلدي من جديد وأن أكون من المساهمين في التنمية. للمجتمع.

تعرفت على العديد من الدول التي تتوفر فيها جامعات توفر لي البيئة المناسبة لتحقيق هذه التطلعات ، والجامعات التركية هي نفسها. التطور التكنولوجي والعالمي.

تعددت الأسباب التي دفعتني إلى اختيار الدولة التركية مكانًا لتحقيق طموحاتي ، وأهمها:

1 / جمعت بين تنمية الدول الأوروبية من جهة والحفاظ على التراث الثقافي الإسلامي للدول العربية والإسلامية من جهة أخرى.

2 / دائما من أوائل الدول التي أخذت زمام المبادرة في دعم العلم والطلاب ، وتوفير الأمن والاستقرار لهم

3 / تشجيع التبادل الثقافي والانفتاح المجتمعي مع المساواة العالية بين الجنسيات المقيمة في أراضيها

4 / العمارة المميزة التي تنفرد بها تركيا منذ القدم.

وأطمح ، بعد تخرجي من تخصصي في مجال الهندسة المعمارية ، “أن أعود إلى الوطن مبتسمًا ومتسلحًا بالعلوم الحديثة والعديد من المهارات والثقافات المختلفة التي ستجعلني أمتلك مقومات النجاح التي تؤهلني لأن أكون عنصرًا فعالاً في عملي الأسرة والمجتمع والمشاركة مع زملائي المهندسين في بناء وطننا من جديد ، والمساهمة في تطويره وترميمه. الابتسامة والجمال الفني في شوارعها.

الهندسة المعمارية والفن والتصميم وتقنيات البناء ، والهدف منها هو الجمع بين المتطلبات العملية والجمالية للبناء. الجميع في هذا العصر يحتاج إلى مهندس معماري ، لكن جمال المبنى أصبح معيارًا لتقدم وازدهار البلد ، وهذا الحلم يطاردني منذ الصغر ويلفت انتباهي إليه.

مع الظروف التي وصلت إليها بلادنا والأسباب العديدة التي أدت إلى الانهيار الهيكلي في العديد من المحافظات ، كان هناك حافز دفعني إلى هذا التخصص لبناء دولة جديدة تنعم بالأمان والاستقرار.

خطاب النوايا للمنحة التركية جاهز باللغة العربية

منذ أن كنت صغيرًا كنت أحب المشاركة في الأنشطة الاجتماعية والتعبير عن رأيي أمام الآخرين. اعتدت أن أرى وأتعلم كيف أقنع ، وكيف أكون واثقًا ، وكيف أقود فريقًا وأكون شخصية رائدة. منذ أن دخلت المدرسة الثانوية وأنا جيد في جميع المواد الدراسية ، وعملت في ذلك الوقت كمتطوع في بعض المؤسسات والمنظمات ، وعندما أنهيت دراستي الثانوية بدأت في تطوير نفسي بدخول بعض الدورات والبرامج بالإضافة إلى عملي التطوعي في المؤسسات ، لذلك أود أن أكمل دراستي الجامعية.

أكملت دراستي الثانوية وتدربت في مؤسسة موارد للتنمية المستدامة. بعد الانتهاء من التدريب أتيحت لي الفرصة للعمل في مجال التوعية بأهداف التنمية المستدامة ، ونجحت في هذه التجربة ، وكنت من الأشخاص الذين حققوا النجاح خلال برنامج التوعية بأهداف التنمية المستدامة.
اخترت تركيا لما حققته من تقدم كبير على مستوى الجامعات العالمية ، ولأنها تعتبر من أبرز الدول المهتمة بالعلوم والتعليم ، والتي تنحدر منها الأجيال الطويلة والمطلوبة ، وكذلك التقارب الكبير بين تركيا واليمن في الجانب الثقافي والاجتماعي. أسعى للدراسة في جامعاتكم من أجل العودة إلى مستوى وخبرة علمية أكثر ، مع العلم أن تركيا تعتبر من الدول المتقدمة في جميع المجالات ، وخير شاهد على ذلك التقدم الكبير الذي حققته خلال الماضي عشر سنوات.

عندما كنت في العاشرة من عمري ، أغمي على أخي أثناء انتظار ركوب السفينة الدوارة في سيكس فلاغز. كان يومًا حارًا بشكل لا يصدق ، وكنا في الطابور لمدة ساعة.

لا أتذكر أي شيء آخر عن ذلك اليوم – ما هي الرحلات الأخرى التي أخذناها ، وما أكلنا ، حتى مع من كنا بالضبط – لكنني أتذكر بوضوح الشعور بالرغبة في معرفة السبب. لماذا حدث هذا؟ لماذا كان علينا الانتظار في مثل هذه الطوابير الطويلة؟ لماذا لم يتوصل أي شخص إلى حل لمشكلة مدن الملاهي المكتظة؟

لهذا السبب أشعر بسعادة غامرة للتقدم للعمل في فريق التصميم. إن مهمتك المتمثلة في إحداث ثورة وإضافة الكفاءة إلى المتنزهات الترفيهية تثير فضولي وحرصي على إصلاح الأشياء فحسب ، بل إنها تذكرني أيضًا بالصورة الأكبر: أنه يجب عليك مغادرة مدينة ملاهي ، أو أي نزهة عائلية في هذا الشأن ، بذكريات رائعة.

قليلاً عني: تخصصت في التصميم والفنون التطبيقية لأنني أردت أن أكون مكتفية ذاتيًا في كيفية حل المشكلات ، ولأنني استمتعت بالعمل بيدي وكذلك عقلي. لقد توليت دورًا كمصمم UX مشارك في شركة ناشئة صغيرة لأنني كنت مفتونًا بصنع مواقع ويب سلسة وخالية من العوائق ، ثم انتقلت إلى منصب مدير منتج في شركة أكبر لأنني أدركت مدى إعجابي بالتعاون عبر الأقسام والعمل مع العديد من الخبراء لتبادل الأفكار والحلول . بالنسبة لي ، الجزء الأكثر مكافأة في يومي هو مساعدة أعضاء فريقي على أن يكونوا منتجين ، ويشعرون بالحماس ، ويحققون أهدافهم. مع هذه الخبرة والمهارة ، أنا مستعد للعودة إلى عالم الشركات الناشئة والعمل في شركة تتوافق طموحاتها مع طموحاتي.

أود أن أشكركم على اعتباري أنضم إلى هذا الفريق الرائع من المبدعين والمبدعين ، وأنا أتطلع إلى الاستماع منك.


كتابة نموذج خطاب النوايا للمنحة التركية ليس أمراً صعباً أبداً ولكن يجب أن تغطي كافة الجوانب عند الانتهاء من كتابته, ولاتنسى أنك تكتب خطاب النوايا, أي بمعنى آخر يجب أن يكون ما تكتبه صادق و حقيقي.

مصادر البحث في كتابة خطاب النوايا : (turkiyeburslari.gov.tr)

نموذج خطاب النوايا بحسب التخصص

نموذج للطب

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing this letter to express my strong interest in pursuing a medical degree and to apply for the Turkish scholarship.

With a passion for helping others and a deep curiosity about the human body, I have always known that a career in medicine is the right path for me. I believe that studying medicine in Turkey would provide me with an unparalleled education and a unique cultural experience.

I have completed my high school education with excellent grades and I am currently enrolled in a pre-med program, where I have excelled in my coursework and have participated in various volunteer and extracurricular activities.

I am confident that I possess the determination, dedication, and aptitude necessary to succeed in a demanding medical program, and I am eager to put my knowledge and skills to use by serving the needs of others.

I am truly grateful for the opportunity to apply for this scholarship and I would be honored to represent Turkey and the scholarship program as a successful medical student and future physician.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and goals.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

نموذج للصيدلة

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing to express my strong interest in pursuing a degree in pharmacy and to apply for the Turkish scholarship.

With a passion for healthcare and a desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives, I believe that a career in pharmacy is the perfect fit for me. I am eager to study in Turkey, as I believe that its renowned universities and innovative approach to pharmacy education will provide me with the best opportunities to achieve my goals.

I have a solid academic background, having consistently performed well in my science courses and demonstrated a strong commitment to my studies. Additionally, I have gained valuable experience through volunteering at local pharmacies, where I have gained insight into the day-to-day operations of the industry and developed strong communication and customer service skills.

I am confident that I have the motivation, dedication, and skills necessary to excel in a pharmacy program and to make a meaningful contribution to the field. I am eager to use my education and experience to improve the lives of others and to be a part of the continued advancement of the pharmacy industry.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Turkish scholarship and would be honored to represent Turkey and the scholarship program as a successful pharmacy student and future pharmacist.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and goals.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

نموذج لطب الأسنان

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing this letter to express my strong interest in pursuing a degree in dentistry and to apply for the Turkish scholarship.

With a passion for oral health and a desire to improve people’s lives, I believe that a career in dentistry is the perfect fit for me. I am eager to study in Turkey, as I believe that its renowned universities and innovative approach to dental education will provide me with the best opportunities to achieve my goals.

I have a strong academic background, having consistently performed well in my science courses and demonstrated a commitment to my studies. I have also gained valuable experience through volunteering at local dental clinics and participating in dental health awareness programs, where I have gained hands-on experience and developed strong communication and customer service skills.

I am confident that I have the motivation, dedication, and skills necessary to excel in a dentistry program and to make a meaningful contribution to the field. I am eager to use my education and experience to improve oral health and quality of life for people in need.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Turkish scholarship and would be honored to represent Turkey and the scholarship program as a successful dental student and future dentist.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and goals.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

نموذج للهندسة

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing this letter to express my strong interest in pursuing a degree in engineering and to apply for the Turkish scholarship.

With a passion for problem-solving and a desire to create innovative solutions, I believe that a career in engineering is the perfect fit for me. I am eager to study in Turkey, as I believe that its renowned universities and cutting-edge approach to engineering education will provide me with the best opportunities to achieve my goals.

I have a solid academic background, having consistently performed well in my math and science courses and demonstrated a strong commitment to my studies. I have also gained valuable experience through participating in engineering-related extracurricular activities and internships, where I have developed my technical skills and learned about the latest advancements in the field.

I am confident that I have the motivation, dedication, and skills necessary to excel in an engineering program and to make a meaningful contribution to the field. I am eager to use my education and experience to tackle complex challenges and to create innovative solutions that make a positive impact on the world.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Turkish scholarship and would be honored to represent Turkey and the scholarship program as a successful engineering student and future engineer.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and goals.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

نموذج لهندسة الطيران

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing to express my strong interest in pursuing a degree in aviation engineering and to apply for the Turkish scholarship.

With a passion for flight and a desire to shape the future of air travel, I believe that a career in aviation engineering is the perfect fit for me. I am eager to study in Turkey, as I believe that its renowned universities and innovative approach to aviation education will provide me with the best opportunities to achieve my goals.

I have a solid academic background, having consistently performed well in my math and science courses and demonstrated a strong commitment to my studies. I have also gained valuable experience through participating in aviation-related extracurricular activities and internships, where I have developed my technical skills and learned about the latest advancements in the field.

I am confident that I have the motivation, dedication, and skills necessary to excel in an aviation engineering program and to make a meaningful contribution to the field. I am eager to use my education and experience to design and develop the next generation of aircraft, to improve air travel and to make a positive impact on the world.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Turkish scholarship and would be honored to represent Turkey and the scholarship program as a successful aviation engineering student and future aviation engineer.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and goals.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

نموذج للتمريض

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing to express my strong interest in pursuing a degree in nursing and to apply for the Turkish scholarship.

With a passion for helping others and a desire to make a difference in people’s lives, I believe that a career in nursing is the perfect fit for me. I am eager to study in Turkey, as I believe that its renowned universities and innovative approach to healthcare education will provide me with the best opportunities to achieve my goals.

I have a strong academic background, having consistently performed well in my science courses and demonstrated a commitment to my studies. I have also gained valuable experience through volunteering at local hospitals and participating in healthcare-related community service projects, where I have developed strong communication and patient care skills.

I am confident that I have the compassion, dedication, and skills necessary to excel in a nursing program and to make a meaningful contribution to the field. I am eager to use my education and experience to improve the lives of patients and to be a positive force for change in the healthcare industry.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Turkish scholarship and would be honored to represent Turkey and the scholarship program as a successful nursing student and future nurse.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and goals.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

نموذج للفيزياء

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing to express my strong interest in pursuing a degree in physics and to apply for the Turkish scholarship.

With a passion for understanding the natural world and a desire to explore the frontiers of scientific knowledge, I believe that a career in physics is the perfect fit for me. I am eager to study in Turkey, as I believe that its renowned universities and innovative approach to physics education will provide me with the best opportunities to achieve my goals.

I have a strong academic background, having consistently performed well in my math and science courses and demonstrated a commitment to my studies. I have also gained valuable experience through participating in physics-related extracurricular activities and research projects, where I have developed my critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

I am confident that I have the motivation, dedication, and skills necessary to excel in a physics program and to make a meaningful contribution to the field. I am eager to use my education and experience to address some of the most fundamental questions in physics and to advance our understanding of the universe.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Turkish scholarship and would be honored to represent Turkey and the scholarship program as a successful physics student and future physicist.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and goals.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

نموذج للكيمياء

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing to express my strong interest in pursuing a degree in chemistry and to apply for the Turkish scholarship.

With a passion for understanding the fundamental building blocks of the world and a desire to explore the frontiers of scientific knowledge, I believe that a career in chemistry is the perfect fit for me. I am eager to study in Turkey, as I believe that its renowned universities and innovative approach to chemistry education will provide me with the best opportunities to achieve my goals.

I have a strong academic background, having consistently performed well in my science courses and demonstrated a commitment to my studies. I have also gained valuable experience through participating in chemistry-related extracurricular activities and research projects, where I have developed my laboratory skills and deepened my understanding of the field.

I am confident that I have the motivation, dedication, and skills necessary to excel in a chemistry program and to make a meaningful contribution to the field. I am eager to use my education and experience to contribute to cutting-edge research in chemistry and to develop new technologies that improve our lives.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Turkish scholarship and would be honored to represent Turkey and the scholarship program as a successful chemistry student and future chemist.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and goals.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

نموذج للعلوم الاسلامية

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing to express my strong interest in pursuing a degree in Islamic studies and to apply for the Turkish scholarship.

With a deep passion for the Islamic tradition and a desire to deepen my understanding of its teachings and history, I believe that a career in Islamic studies is the perfect fit for me. I am eager to study in Turkey, as I believe that its rich cultural heritage and reputation for Islamic scholarship will provide me with the best opportunities to achieve my goals.

I have a strong academic background, having consistently performed well in my religious studies and humanities courses and demonstrated a commitment to my studies. I have also gained valuable experience through participating in Islamic-related community service projects and extracurricular activities, where I have developed my leadership and interpersonal skills.

I am confident that I have the motivation, dedication, and skills necessary to excel in an Islamic studies program and to make a meaningful contribution to the field. I am eager to use my education and experience to promote greater understanding of Islam and to serve the Muslim community.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Turkish scholarship and would be honored to represent Turkey and the scholarship program as a successful Islamic studies student and future scholar.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and goals.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

نموذج حرّ أول

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing this letter to express my strong intention to apply for the Turkish scholarship. I am a motivated individual who is eager to expand my knowledge and pursue higher education in Turkey.

I have always been interested in Turkish culture and history, and I believe that studying in Turkey would provide me with the opportunity to immerse myself in the culture and gain a deeper understanding of the country’s rich heritage. Additionally, I am fascinated by the advancements that Turkey has made in various fields, such as technology, medicine, and economics, and I am eager to learn more about these developments and how they are shaping the future of the country.

I am currently pursuing a degree in [field of study], and I believe that the Turkish scholarship would provide me with the financial support I need to pursue my educational and professional goals. I am confident that I have the academic credentials, personal qualities, and motivation to make the most of this opportunity, and I am eager to contribute to the academic community in Turkey.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further and to demonstrate my commitment to this scholarship.


[Your Name]

نموذج حرّ ثاني

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing this letter to express my strong intention to apply for the Turkish scholarship. As an ambitious student, I am eager to expand my knowledge and cultural awareness, and I believe that studying in Turkey would provide me with the ideal opportunity to do so.

With a passion for Turkish history and culture, I am eager to immerse myself in the local community and gain a deeper understanding of the country’s rich heritage. I am particularly interested in the advancements that Turkey has made in fields such as technology, medicine, and economics, and I believe that studying in Turkey would provide me with the ideal platform to explore these fields in more detail.

I am confident that I have the academic credentials, personal qualities, and motivation to make the most of this opportunity, and I am eager to contribute to the academic community in Turkey. I am confident that the Turkish scholarship will provide me with the financial support I need to pursue my educational and professional goals, and I am eager to demonstrate my commitment to this scholarship.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further and to demonstrate my commitment to this scholarship.


[Your Name]

نموذج حرّ ثالث

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing this letter to express my strong interest in applying for the Turkish scholarship. As a student of [field of study], I am eager to expand my knowledge and explore the fascinating culture and history of Turkey.

I believe that studying in Turkey would provide me with a unique opportunity to immerse myself in the local community and gain a deeper understanding of the country’s rich heritage. I am particularly interested in the advancements that Turkey has made in fields such as technology, medicine, and economics, and I am eager to learn more about these developments and how they are shaping the future of the country.

I am confident that I have the academic credentials, personal qualities, and motivation to make the most of this opportunity, and I am eager to contribute to the academic community in Turkey. I am grateful for the support of the Turkish scholarship and I am eager to demonstrate my commitment to this scholarship.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further and to demonstrate my commitment to this scholarship.


نموذج حرّ رابع

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing this letter to express my strong interest in applying for the Turkish scholarship. As a student with a passion for Turkish culture and history, I am eager to expand my knowledge and immerse myself in the local community.

I believe that studying in Turkey would provide me with a unique opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the country’s rich heritage and to explore the advancements that Turkey has made in fields such as technology, medicine, and economics. I am confident that I have the academic credentials, personal qualities, and motivation to make the most of this opportunity, and I am eager to contribute to the academic community in Turkey.

I am grateful for the support of the Turkish scholarship and I am eager to demonstrate my commitment to this scholarship. I am confident that the financial support provided by the scholarship will allow me to pursue my educational and professional goals and to make the most of this opportunity.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further and to demonstrate my commitment to this scholarship.


[Your Name]

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