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Application file for the Saudi scholarship

Preparing the application file for the Saudi scholarship

Speaking about preparing the application file for Saudi university scholarships, we must note very important topics about the conditions of the Kingdom’s universities that the student must meet, as well as the required documents and how to send the application.

On this page, we will talk to you in detail about how to prepare the application file for the Saudi university scholarship, in addition to the required papers and the most important conditions that must be met.

We will begin our topic with the conditions for applying for Saudi university scholarships.

Conditions for applying for the Saudi Scholarship 2024

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is considered one of the most important educational destinations in the world, providing distinguished educational opportunities for international students.

To ensure the quality of education and the effective reception of foreign students, strict conditions and controls are established for their admission to educational institutions in the Kingdom.

Read also: How to register on the Study platform in Saudi Arabia.

General conditions for admission:


  • For the university level and the Arabic Language Teaching Institute or its equivalent: The student’s age must not be less than 17 years and not more than 25 years.
  • For the master’s degree: the student must not be more than 30 years old.
  • For the doctoral level: The student must not be more than 35 years old.

Approval of the government of the student’s country:

  • The government of the student's country must agree to send him to study in the Kingdom, if there are special requirements in this regard.

The student does not receive another scholarship:

  • The student must not have obtained another scholarship from one of the educational institutions in the Kingdom.

Authentication of certificates and identification papers:

  • Certificates and identification documents must be authenticated by the competent authorities determined by the educational institution.

Certificate of freedom from security records:

  • The student must send a certificate proving that he has no security records in his country when applying for the Saudi scholarship, which is very important.

Not being expelled from educational institutions in the Kingdom:

  • A previous dismissal decision must not be issued by one of the educational institutions in the Kingdom.

Presence of a mahram:

  • The student must be accompanied by a mahram in accordance with the instructions regulating this, provided that he is covered by a scholarship, has a regular residence permit, or appears on the register of an employer in need of his services.

Medical Examination:

  • The student must pass the medical examination determined by the regulations and instructions.

Student recommendation:

  • The educational institution reserves the right to require the student to be recommended by one of the bodies, institutions or personalities it specifies.

Additional conditions for admission to internal scholarships:

  • The student must obtain approval from whoever is on his record to study at the educational institution.
  • The student must be a regular resident in the Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia sets strict conditions for accepting international students into higher education institutions, with the aim of ensuring the reception of distinguished students and ensuring the quality of education. These conditions contribute to enhancing cultural understanding and scientific exchange between the Kingdom and students from different parts of the world.

Submit an application for the Saudi Scholarship 2024

The Saudi educational system 2024 provides international students with the opportunity to apply and study in public universities easily, and this article will review the application procedures and basic requirements.

Login to the university website:

  • Applicants can access the website of the university they wish to apply to.

Choose your specialty:

  • Male and female students can choose the major that suits them from among the available majors (except for health and medical majors).

Controls for admission to the Saudi scholarship

Post-secondary stage:

  • Applicants can apply for a Saudi scholarship to study at university levels after passing secondary school.

Available university levels:

  • Students can study all university levels, including Diploma in Arabic Language for Speakers of Other Languages, Bachelor’s, Higher Diploma, Master’s, and Doctorate.

Special terms and conditions:

  • Before applying for a Saudi scholarship, you must check the admission conditions and controls of the relevant university via its website.

Get to know the university requirements:

Visit the university website:

  • Applicants can visit the university's website to view its specific requirements and application information.

Communication with the university:

  • You can apply for the Saudi Scholarship by contacting the university via the available means of communication to request more information and guidance.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia facilitates the application and study process in its public universities for male and female students of different nationalities. By following simple procedures and checking the conditions and controls of each university, those wishing to study in the Kingdom can achieve their educational and professional dreams.

With this, we have finished explaining the stage of registration in universities, along with the controls and conditions for admission to Saudi universities. In the last section of our article today, we will talk about preparing papers and documents.

Documents required to apply for the Saudi Scholarship 2024

When international students decide to apply for the 2024 Saudi Scholarship, they must ensure that the papers and documents are prepared correctly to ensure the success of the application and registration process. Here's a quick guide to how to properly prepare the leaves:

1. High school diploma and academic record:

  • A certified copy of your high school diploma or equivalent must be provided.
  • Certified copies of the high school academic record and grades obtained must be submitted.

2. Language certificates:

  • If the official language of study is English, results of a language test such as IELTS or TOEFL must be submitted.
  • You must submit certified copies of language certificates and ensure that the grades meet university requirements.

3. Passport and entry visa:

  • A certified copy of the personal data pages in the passport must be submitted.
  • Ensure that the entry visa to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is valid and covers the planned study period.

4. Selfies:

  • You need to submit a number of personal photos according to the university’s requirements, preferably with a white background and a certain size.

5. Additional certificates and documents:

  • Some universities may require the submission of additional certificates or documents related to the specialty desired to be studied. You must inquire and verify this.

6. Authentication of documents:

  • Documents must be certified by the competent authorities in the student’s country before submitting them to the university.

7. Application deadline:

  • Check the deadline for submitting papers and make sure you submit them in time.

8. Follow university instructions:

  • You must always follow the specific university instructions for the application and registration process, as these instructions may vary from one university to another.
  • After submitting the papers, follow up on the status of your application and messages received from the university via email.

Preparing papers and documents correctly is crucial to the success of the application and registration process in Saudi universities. It is recommended to prepare early and ensure that the documents match the requirements of the relevant university to facilitate the admission and study process successfully.

Register your name for the following scholarships:

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