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Registration of irregular workers at the Ministry of Manpower

Registration of irregular workers at the Ministry of Manpower

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The process of registering irregular workers at the Ministry of Manpower is an important step towards protecting workers’ rights and improving their living conditions. By registering, the worker receives many benefits.

The Ministry of Manpower’s relationship with Egypt to support irregular workers

The Ministry of Manpower in Egypt plays a pivotal role in supporting irregular workers through several mechanisms and programs aimed at improving their living and professional conditions and ensuring their rights. The Ministry’s relationship with irregular workers is evident in the following points:

  • The Ministry of Manpower opens registration for irregular workers, and their data is included in a national database.
  • This registration of irregular workers at the Ministry of Manpower enables the Ministry to identify the numbers of this category and determine their needs.
  • In cooperation with other bodies such as the Ministry of Social Solidarity, the Ministry of Manpower seeks to provide insurance coverage for workers in unorganized sectors.
  • This includes health insurance and insurance against injuries at work, as well as social insurance that allows them to receive pensions.
  • The Ministry seeks to raise the efficiency of irregular workers through training and rehabilitation programs. These programs aim to develop their professional skills, which increases their chances of getting better jobs or improving their current working conditions.
  • The Ministry works to improve working conditions for irregular workers by developing policies and legislation aimed at protecting their rights and ensuring that they receive a safe working environment and fair wages.
  • The Ministry organizes awareness campaigns and field visits to educate irregular workers about their rights and how to benefit from the services provided by the Ministry. This helps promote awareness among workers and ensure they benefit from the support available.
  • By registering irregular workers with the Ministry of Manpower and providing the necessary insurance and support, the Ministry seeks to integrate irregular workers into the formal economy, which contributes to improving their job and financial stability.
  • The Ministry continuously monitors the situation of irregular workers through inspection and supervision teams, to ensure the implementation of laws and the protection of their rights in the workplace.

The Ministry of Manpower in Egypt plays a strategic role in supporting irregular workers by providing social protection, financial support, vocational training, and improving working conditions, which contributes to enhancing social and economic stability for this important segment of society.

Read also: Steps to register data to disburse 500 to support irregular workers

What is irregular employment?

Irregular employment refers to a category of workers who do not have stable or permanent jobs, and often lack formal employment contracts and social guarantees. This category includes a variety of workers who may work in areas such as:

  1. Day or temporary work: Construction workers, artisans, seasonal agricultural workers, and others who work on a daily basis or under short-term contracts.
  2. Informal sector workers: street vendors, taxi drivers without a commercial license, domestic workers without formal contracts.
  3. Freelancers or freelancers: craftsmen who work independently without being affiliated with a specific company.
  4. Workers who work on a piece-rate system: such as factory or workshop workers who receive their wages based on the amount of work they do and not on the basis of a fixed salary.

Due to the lack of formal contracts or job guarantees, irregular workers often face challenges such as job instability, lack of social or health insurance, and difficulty obtaining their legal rights such as compensation in case of injuries or retirement.

The Egyptian government seeks to register irregular workers with the Ministry of Manpower and regulate their conditions to ensure that they obtain some rights and social guarantees.

The importance of organizing irregular employment

Regulating irregular employment is crucial for several social and economic reasons:

1. Providing social and economic protection:

  • Social and health insurance: Organizing irregular employment helps provide health and social insurance for these workers, which protects them from health risks and occupational accidents.
  • Retirement guarantees: It allows them to obtain a retirement pension when they reach retirement age, which ensures a decent life for them after the end of their work period.

2. Improving working conditions:

  • Reducing exploitation: The organization works to limit the exploitation of irregular workers by employers who may offer them low wages or unsafe working conditions.
  • Improving working conditions: It leads to improving working conditions such as providing safety equipment, reasonable working hours, and a safe working environment.

3. Strengthening the national economy:

  • Tax Collection: When this labor is regulated, the state can collect taxes more effectively, which enhances state revenues and contributes to economic development.
  • Market regulation: Helps regulate the market and prevents illegal practices such as tax evasion or wage manipulation.

4. Promoting social stability:

  • Reducing poverty: By providing regular income and social insurance, the poverty rate among irregular workers can be reduced and their standard of living improved.
  • Reducing disguised unemployment: Organizing these workers helps integrate them into the formal economy, which contributes to reducing disguised unemployment and providing more stable job opportunities.

5. Guaranteeing workers' rights:

  • Access to justice: The organization helps provide legal mechanisms to protect the rights of these workers and file complaints in the event of any violation of their rights.
  • Collective bargaining: By organizing, irregular workers can collectively negotiate their wages and working conditions, increasing their bargaining power.

6. Achieving sustainable development:

  • Integrating labor into the formal economy: It contributes to integrating a large proportion of the labor force into the formal economy, which enhances the state’s ability to plan economically and socially more effectively.
  • Achieving equality: It helps reduce social and economic disparities by providing equal and regulated job opportunities for all categories of workers.

Registering irregular workers with the Ministry of Manpower contributes to achieving greater social and economic stability, improving the quality of workers’ lives, and increasing the productivity of the economy in general.

Full registration of irregular workers with the Ministry of Manpower


The image contains an electronic form that requires filling out a set of personal and professional data to register irregular workers at the Ministry of Manpower. I will explain the fields in the form in a list form:

Personal data:

  1. National number: Enter the 14-digit national number.
  2. date of birth: Choose your date of birth through a drop-down list.
  3. first name: Enter first name.
  4. Second name: Enter the second name.
  5. Third name: Enter the third name.
  6. Title: Enter the surname or family name.
  7. Educational qualification: Choose your current educational qualification from a drop-down list.
  8. Occupation: Choose your current occupation from a drop-down list.
  9. Specialization: Choose a professional specialty (if any).
  10. Working on a project: Choose if you are working on a specific project (yes/no).
  11. Recruitment status: Select status in terms of military service (completed, not determined, deferred, recovered, etc.).
  12. Position regarding recruitment: Determine your position on recruitment.
  13. marital status: Choose your marital status (single, married, divorced, widowed).
  14. Passport number: Enter the passport number (if available).
  15. Passport expiry date: Choose the passport expiry date (if any).
  16. Mobile number 1: Enter the first mobile phone number.
  17. Mobile number 2: Enter the second mobile phone number (if available).
  18. E-mail: Enter your personal email.
  19. Phone number: Enter the landline phone number (if available).

Geographic information:

  1. Governorate: Choose the governorate in which you reside.
  2. Section: Choose the department or center.
  3. Neighborhood: Choose the neighborhood (if available).
  4. Address details: Enter the detailed address clearly.

additional information:

  1. People with special needs: Choose “Yes” or “No” to determine if you have special needs.
  2. Address details: Enter an additional address if it is different from the previous address.
  3. The username is the national number: It is confirmed that the username will be the national number.
  4. password: Enter the password for the account.
  5. Confirm password: Confirm the password by re-entering it.

Final actions:

  1. Save and follow: After filling out all the required fields, click the “Save and Continue” button to complete the registration.

These are the details in the form, and you must fill out all required fields carefully to ensure the registration process is completed correctly.

Registration form

Receive confirmation message:

  • After submitting the request to register irregular workers at the Ministry of Manpower, you will receive a confirmation message via email or text message to the phone number you registered.
  • This message may contain a reference number that can be used to track the status of your application.

Follow up on order status:

  • You can follow up on the status of your application by logging into your account on the Ministry’s website and using the reference number you received.
  • If your application is accepted, you may be invited to receive a social insurance card or benefit from other support programs provided by the Ministry.

اTo contact for assistance (if necessary):

  • If you encounter any problems or have questions during the registration process, you can contact customer service at the Ministry of Manpower or visit the nearest Ministry of Manpower office to obtain assistance.

Take advantage of the available programs:

  • After registration, you may be eligible to benefit from various ministry programs that support irregular workers such as health insurance, financial support, and vocational training.

Thus, you have fully completed the process of registering irregular workers with the Egyptian Ministry of Manpower, allowing you to benefit from the support and services provided by the Ministry.

Conditions for registering irregular workers at the Ministry of Manpower

To obtain and register irregular workers with the Egyptian Ministry of Manpower at a value of 1000 pounds, you must submit a set of necessary documents when applying. These documents are intended to ensure applicants' eligibility for support and to ensure their validity as irregular workers. Below is a list of required documents:

1. Irregular employment grant application form:

  • You must fill out the application form for the scholarship, which can be obtained from the official website of the Egyptian Ministry of Manpower or from any authorized office of the Ministry. This form contains personal and professional information that must be filled out accurately.

2. National ID card or passport:

  • A copy of the national ID card or passport must be submitted to verify the applicant’s identity and nationality. Make sure that the document is valid and that all data is clear.

3. Documents proving the applicant’s status as an irregular worker:

  • It is important to provide any official documents showing that you are working as a casual worker. These documents may include:
    • Temporary employment contracts or previous employment contracts that show that you do not have a permanent job.
    • Payslips that prove the absence of a fixed salary or work on a daily or seasonal basis.
    • A statement from your previous employers indicating the nature of your work and your status as an irregular worker.

4. Additional documents to prove the applicant's status:

  • To confirm your status as an irregular worker, you may need to provide additional information or documents such as:
    • Income declaration: A document proving your monthly or annual income, especially if it is irregular.
    • Banking transactions: Bank statements showing no fixed income.
    • List of clients: If you are self-employed (such as artisans or street vendors), you can provide a list of the names of clients or employers you work with.


  • Ensure that all documents you provide are originals or true copies.
  • If you are unsure how to obtain any of these documents or fill out the form, you can visit the Manpower Office nearest you for assistance.
  • Keep a copy of each document you submit in case it is needed in the future.

Procedures after submitting documents:

  • After submitting the required documents, your application will be reviewed by the Ministry of Manpower.
  • If you are eligible, you will be contacted via phone or email registered in the form to confirm your eligibility for the grant and inform you of how to disburse it.

Submitting documents correctly and completely increases your chance of registering irregular workers with the Ministry of Manpower.

How do I know that I am eligible for an informal employment grant?

To ensure that you are eligible for the irregular employment grant in Egypt based on the mentioned categories, you must belong to one of the following categories that have been identified as deserving of support:

Eligible categories:

  • If you own property, and everyone in the household earns less than the minimum wage, you may be eligible for the grant.
  • Migration workers and small self-employed workers such as street vendors, craftsmen, and newspaper distributors.
  • Those workers who work irregularly or are self-employed without formal contracts may be eligible for the grant.
  • Memorizers of the Holy Quran.
  • People who work in memorizing the Holy Qur’an informally are considered irregular workers and are entitled to apply for the grant.
  • Housemaids or their equivalents.
  • Domestic workers or similar jobs without fixed employment contracts are eligible for support.
  • Cantors and other ministers of the church.
  • People who work in churches in informal jobs such as cantors and other church servants may be eligible for the grant.
  • Temporary workers in agriculture.
  • Workers in the agricultural sector on a seasonal or temporary basis can register for the grant.
  • Workers in livestock and poultry farming projects.
  • Those working in livestock and poultry farming on an irregular basis or without formal contracts are eligible.
  • Apiary workers.
  • People working in beekeeping and honey production informally are considered among the eligible groups.
  • Owners of agricultural land whose possession is less than an acre, whether owner or tenant.
  • Small farmers who own or lease farmland of less than an acre are eligible for support.
  • Small and medium enterprise workers.
  • People working in small and medium enterprises that do not offer fixed employment contracts may be eligible for the grant.

How to confirm eligibility:

  • Registration of irregular workers at the Ministry of Manpower: If you belong to one of these categories, make sure to register your data with the Ministry of Manpower under irregular workers.
  • Review: The Ministry reviews your data and determines your eligibility based on the category you belong to and your economic condition.
  • Notification: If you are eligible for the grant, you will be notified via text message or via the contact means registered upon registration.


  • If you belong to any of these categories, it is best to register with the Ministry of Manpower via the website or by visiting the local Manpower Office to ensure that your data is registered correctly.
  • Make sure to submit all required documents proving that you belong to one of these categories.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you are eligible to register irregular workers with the Ministry of Manpower in Egypt.

What are the documents required to register irregular workers at the Ministry of Manpower?

To register for irregular employment at the Ministry of Manpower, you need to submit the following documents: national ID card, civil registry card, and birth certificate.

How can I confirm my eligibility for the irregular employment grant after registration?

Visit The official website of the Egyptian Ministry of Manpower.
Use your national number to log in and check the status of your application.
Waiting to receive a notification from the Ministry:
If you qualify for the scholarship, you will receive a text message or phone call to the number you registered. The letter will detail your eligibility for the scholarship and the location and date of disbursement.

What are the detailed steps for registering irregular workers in the Egyptian Ministry of Manpower?

There are several steps to register irregular workers in the Egyptian Ministry of Manpower:
Submit a registration application in one of the branches of the Ministry of Manpower.
Bring your national ID card.
Complete the data required in the registration form.
Pay the prescribed fees.
Obtaining an irregular employment registration card.

What is the expected time period to process the registration request and obtain support from the Ministry?

Usually, applications for registration and support from the Ministry are processed within a period ranging from 3 to 6 weeks.