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Unified acceptance rates in Jordan

Unified acceptance rates 2024 in Jordan

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Unified acceptance rates at Jordanian universities are considered one of the most important topics that concern students and parents in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The Jordanian unified admission rates system consists of setting a unified standard for accepting students into public and private universities, based on their academic averages and the results of the secondary school exam (tawjihi).

About the unified admission rates for 2024

The 2024 standardized admission rates raise multiple challenges that warrant discussion and research. One of the most prominent of these challenges is the high competition among students for admission to the universities they wish to enroll in, which makes it difficult for many students to achieve the high grades required for admission. This results in psychological and social pressure on students and their families, and a renewed need for private lessons and additional training to achieve success.

Furthermore, a standardized admission rate system sometimes reduces the diversity of the student body at universities, as students with talents and interests outside the narrow academic range measured by the current system can be excluded.

This can negatively impact cultural and intellectual diversity in the university environment.

To overcome these challenges, universities and educational authorities must adopt innovative and comprehensive approaches to providing educational opportunities to all students, regardless of their GPAs.

This can be achieved by developing multiple admission systems that take into account individual talents, personal backgrounds and academic achievement. Vocational and technical education can also be promoted as a respectable alternative to traditional university education.

Get to know each Private universities in Jordan.

Unified acceptance rates for 2024 academic year

SpecializationThe ratio
Doctor of Medicine98.55
Doctor of Dentistry97.6
the pharmacy96.4
Doctor of Pharmacy96.6
Architecture Engineering95.85
Civil engineering94.2
electrical engineering95.25
Mechanical engineering95.75
Chemical Engineering95.1
the industrial engineering96.5
Computer Engineering98
Mechatronics engineering95.5
Nursing/male and female95.4
natural therapy94.45
Occupational Therapy93.4
Hearing and speech sciences93.4
Computer science96.8
Computer information systems95.33
Industrial chemistry90.75
Life Sciences91.1
Environmental and applied geology83.85
Laboratory medical sciences94.3
Horticulture and crops83.25
Plant Protection85.45
Coordination of the sites and the production of flowers85.95
Animal Production85.85
Food science and technology93.1
Human nutrition and diets94.95

Unified acceptance rates 2024 literary

SpecializationThe ratio
Land, water and environment87
Agricultural economics and agribusiness management86.15
Business Management96.05
Administrative information system96.2
Public Administration94.7
Business economics95.05
English language and literature98.45
Applied English language98.95
French language and literature93.1
German and English languages96.85
Italian and English languages96.1
Spanish and English languages97.6
Korean and English languages96.05
Chinese and English languages97.2
Russian and English languages95.55
Turkish and English languages96.55
French and English language95.05
Arabic language and its literature95.7
social work91.55
the law97.45
Class teacher/female94.1
Special Education93.5
Raising a child/female91.4
Counseling and mental health94.5
Library and information science89.85
Religion basics90.4
Jurisprudence and its principles92.2
Islamic banks91.2
Heritage resources management89.1
Tourism management94
Physical education93.15
Movement sciences and sports training90.85

University of Jordan acceptance rates 2024

Doctor of Medicine98.55
Doctor of Dentistry97.6
the pharmacy96.4
Doctor of Pharmacy96.6
Architecture Engineering95.85
Civil engineering94.2
electrical engineering95.25
Mechanical engineering95.75
Chemical Engineering95.1
the industrial engineering96.5
Computer Engineering98
Mechatronics engineering95.5
Nursing/male and female95.4
natural therapy94.45
Occupational Therapy93.4
Hearing and speech sciences93.4
Computer science96.8
Computer information systems95.33
Industrial chemistry90.75
Life Sciences91.1
Environmental and applied geology83.85
Laboratory medical sciences94.3
Horticulture and crops83.25
Plant Protection85.45
Coordination of the sites and the production of flowers85.95
Animal Production85.85
Food science and technology93.1
Human nutrition and diets94.95
Land, water and environment87
Agricultural economics and agribusiness management86.15
Business Management96.05
Administrative information system96.2
Public Administration94.7
Business economics95.05
English language and literature98.45
Applied English language98.95
French language and literature93.1
German and English languages96.85
Italian and English languages96.1
Spanish and English languages97.6
Korean and English languages96.05
Chinese and English languages97.2

Unified acceptance rates at Yarmouk University - Scientific Branch

Doctor of Medicine97
the pharmacy94.6
Architecture Engineering92
Civil engineering83.65
Engineering smart and sustainable cities-
Electronics and robotics engineering87.25
Communications Engineering88.7
Computer Engineering93
Computer Engineering/Internet of Things92.6
Electrical power engineering85.1
Biomedical Systems Engineering91
Biomedical Informatics Engineering90.1
the industrial engineering91.4
Computer Science92.05
Computer information systems88.35
Business information technology86.05
cyber security90.1
Data science and artificial intelligence90.05
Digital reality and game development-
Medical and biophysics85.55
Life Sciences83.45
Applied geology75.7
Public Administration87.7
Banking and Finance87.8
Business and financial economics85.3
Financial technology-
Supply chain management and logistics sciences90.1
Arabic language and its literature87.45
Applied Arabic language-
English language and literature90.35
Applied English language93.05
Applied French language82
Translation and interpretation90.3
Turkish language81.35
Modern languages/French language - English language85.25
Modern languages/German language - English language84.6
History and civilization81.35
Political Science82.5
Sociology and social work84.15
the law91.8
Class teacher/female84.85

Unified acceptance rates at Yarmouk University - Literary Branch

Counseling psychology86.95
Early childhood/female82.05
Jurisprudence and its principles84.15
Religion basics80.6
Islamic studies/Islamic education81.1
Islamic studies/family studies83
Islamic studies/Islamic advocacy and media80.35
Economics and Islamic banking84
Conservation and management of heritage resources75.45
Tourism management86.3
Tourist guides-
Hotel management82.37
Public relations and advertising86.2
Journalism and digital media85.95
Radio and television89.05
Sports science-
Applied physical education83.75
Art -
Digital arts85.35

Unified acceptance rates at Mutah University - Scientific Branch

Doctor of Medicine96.65
the pharmacy94.55
Architecture Engineering92.3
Civil engineering85.8
Computer Engineering89.9
Computer Engineering/Computer and Network Security90.6
Mechanical engineering84.3
Chemical Engineering89.4
Electrical Engineering - Communications82.65
Electrical Engineering – Power and Control81.85
Mechanical Engineering - Thermal forces and energy81.65
Civil Engineering - Water and Environment80
Electrical Engineering - Electronics80.9
Industrial systems engineering82.75
Nursing/male and female91.7
Laboratory medical sciences89.4
Industrial chemistry84.65
Life Sciences82.45
Computer science88.75
Computer information systems79.7
Software Engineering88.25
Data science and artificial intelligence88.3
Plant production76.1
Animal Production80.2
Nutrition and food industries88.45
Integrated prevention and control75.85
Business Management85.8
Public Administration80.5
Business intelligence and data analysis90.95
Economics of finance and business77.3
Banking and Finance82.1
Crisis management79.9
Arabic language and its literature84.4
English language and literature92.9
Applied English language85.95
European languages85.4
Class teacher/female82.4
Counseling and mental health83.95
Special Education79.5
Jurisprudence and its principles78.35
Religion basics-
physical education81.55

Unified acceptance rates at Mutah University - Literary Branch

Sports rehabilitation85.65
sports training79.85
Political Science80.1
Antiquities and tourism78.95

Acceptance rates at the Hashemite University - Scientific Branch

Doctor of Medicine97.45
Doctor of Oral and Dental Surgery96.35
the pharmacy95.65
Computer Engineering93.75
Mechatronics engineering89.65
Biomedical Engineering93.1
the industrial engineering92.65
Mechanical engineering88.4
Architecture Engineering91.95
Civil engineering87.5
electrical engineering88.7
Nursing Science/Males92.9
Nursing science/female92.5
Laboratory medical sciences92.35
Clinical nutrition and dietetics90.85
Occupational Therapy90.8
natural therapy92.7
Medical and radiological imaging91.9
Computer science and its applications94.55
Software Engineering93.1
Computer information systems91.6
Business information technology90.5
Data science and artificial intelligence93.2
cyber security92.95
Life Sciences88.95
Geology and environment78.6
Land and water management73.75
Water and environment management76.9
Business Management93.45
Management information systems93.7
Hotel management87.15
Financial economics78.85
Banking and Finance92
Risk management and insurance78.95
Accounting and commercial law93.45
Digital marketing94.05
International relations and strategic studies89.25
Arabic language and its literature92.8
English language and literature95.4
Literature and Cultural Studies in English94.25
Early childhood education/females89.35
Special Education91.5
psychological guidance91.45
Art education teacher87.9

Acceptance rates at the Hashemite University 2024, literary

Class teacher/female-
Museums and heritage resources management67.35
Conservation science66.9
Tourism management89.65
Sports management and training89.7
Sports rehabilitation82.85

University of Science and Technology unified acceptance rates

Doctor of Medicine98.1
dentistry and dental surgery97.15
the pharmacy95.8
Doctor of Pharmacy96.5
Pharmaceutical and biological manufacturing-
Civil engineering89.6
Design and visual communication92.95
electrical engineering89.9
Mechanical engineering90
Chemical Engineering92.97
Biomedical engineering94.5
Nuclear engineering95.15
the industrial engineering94.6
Computer Engineering96.05
Engineering and the security of computer networks95.65
Aviation Engineering94.3
Product design and development engineering-
Aircraft maintenance technology-
Urban and environmental planning engineering-
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine96.35
Laboratory medical sciences92.9
Health administration and policies89.1
natural therapy93.95
Occupational Therapy92.35
Radiology technology93.25
Ambulance and emergency92.5
Hearing and speech91.5
Respiratory Therapy94.8
Dental industry technology93.95
Dental science support93
Anesthesia technology-
Computer Science95.05
Software Engineering93.65
الامن السيبراني93.55
Data science92.4
Artificial intelligence94.55
Internet of things-
Health information systems-
Design and development of computer games-
Biotechnology and genetic engineering93.27
English language and linguistics95.75

Unified acceptance rates for the house

Architecture Engineering85.3
Civil engineering80.65
Surveying engineering80.1
Renewable and sustainable energy engineering88.2
Computer information systems82.65
Administrative information system86.3
الامن السيبراني86.1
Data science and artificial intelligence86.85
Life Sciences81.6
Laboratory medical sciences88.55
Medical radiology techniques-
Clinical nutrition and dietetics-
Hearing and speech sciences-
Occupational Therapy-
Respiratory Therapy-
natural therapy-
Applied Earth and Environmental Sciences74.1
Geographic information systems and remote sensing77.85
Business Management86.35
Finance and banking83.65
Accounting systems and business analysis-
Digital economy-
Accounting and business law86.65
Financial technology-
Digital marketing90.15
Political Science80.2
Arabic language and its literature85.95
English language and literature91.85
Language and Literature / French-English85.55
Applied geography83.15
Italian - English84.3
Spanish - English88.35
Class teacher/female83.55
Special Education81.5
Jurisprudence and its principles82.15
Religion basics80.25
Physical education83.7

Unified acceptance rates at Al Hussein Bin Talal University

Environmental Engineering81.25
Mining engineering0
Computer Engineering80.35
Network and information security engineering86.05
Chemical engineering80.1
Communications Engineering80.6
Civil engineering80
Mechanical engineering80.2
electrical engineering80.55
Renewable energy engineering86.25
Medical tests83
Computer science79.6
Computer information systems76.9
Software Engineering79.7
Data science and artificial intelligence81.65
Life Sciences75.4
Business Management76.85
Banking and Finance72.65
Administrative information system76.8
the law86.85
Arabic language and its literature74.4
English language and literature85
Islamic studies76.3
International relations and strategic studies72.15
Library science and information technology (integrated)74.5
Class teacher/female76.85
Special Education71.6
Tourism management/tourist guidance66.1
Tourism management65.8
Hotel management70

Unified acceptance rates at Tafila Technical University

Civil engineering80.25
Chemical industry engineering80
Mining engineering89.3
Electrical power engineering80.1
Mechanical Engineering/Production and Machinery80.85
Mechanical Engineering/Hybrid Vehicle Technology80.05
Computer Engineering80
Geological engineering83.25
Communications and electronics engineering80
Integrated renewable energy engineering86.5
Mechatronics engineering-
Intelligent systems engineering-
Applied physics68.95
Biomedical physics-
Chemistry technology75.7
Applied life sciences71.15
Applied statistics76
Smart device computing78.8
الامن السيبراني-
Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence and Data Science-
Business Management79.45
Banking and Finance73.4
Financial technology-
English language and literature85.4
Arabic language and its literature-
Special Education77.3
Class teacher/female-

In conclusion, the standardized acceptance rates at Jordanian universities remain an important topic that calls for continued thought and discussion. Efforts must continue to develop and improve this system, so that it can achieve educational justice and provide equal educational opportunities for all students.

2 comments on “Unified acceptance rates 2024 in Jordan”

  1. Commentary for Fallujah Al-Subh

    University of Jordan 2024 acceptance rates

    1. Comment by Hanan Sami Khazal

      Mashallah, many specializations receive Tawjihi rates in Jordanian universities