Important tips before the IELTS test that you must adhere to

Important tips before the IELTS test that you must adhere to

Today we're going to take a look at the IELTS study plan, and as usual, when I look at IELTS, TOEFL, or any of the tests, I'll talk a little faster.

Taking the test can lead to more listening practice. And for everyone else, this is very good practice for you
Also for you to listen to English a little faster. So we'll take a look at IELTS.

And for those who are just starting to prepare, starting to think about taking this test, maybe you want to go to university, maybe for immigration purposes, whatever, you're just starting out, you've just signed up for the test, and now you need to start preparing for it.

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Learn about the IELTS test

Now what does this mean? This means that you have to know exactly what you are about to encounter. I've met many test takers who took the test maybe multiple times, and the first two or three times they got a really low score
Because they still don't really know what.

The reason is that they did not understand how to organize the test, the timing, and all these things. So get to know the test, which means:
Learn about the structure. There are four sections. Listening, reading, writing and speaking. Here are more details.

Make sure you know how each of them works, and how much time you will use each one.

Make sure you know exactly what they are going to ask you, and what you will be expected to say back. OK? So know the structure of the test.

Check the timing and duration of the exam

You have approximately 40 minutes for the listening section, including a 10-minute time slot to copy your answers from the question sheet to the answer sheet. This is very, very important.

Know what to do it.

If you finish writing your answers on your answer sheet before the ten minutes are up, you cannot go to the reading section. You have to sit, wait, close your eyes, relax, etc. Make sure you know which types of questions
You will encounter it while listening, reading, writing, and of course speaking.

Knowing the types of questions will make sure you're not surprised by anything. OK? You don't want to have surprises on test day.

Know the types of questions and prepare for them

Make sure you know all the directions. Each section of the test will have its own set of directions. Do not spend time reading or listening to these during the test. You should know all the directions before long, you should memorize them.

This way, you don't spend time reading it, but go straight to the task at hand.

So know the test well. Now, the best way to actually learn the test is to practice taking the test.

Practice the test well in advance

Now, I don't mean, like, 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there, 15 minutes here. I want you to sit down at least once a week from the time you register or start thinking about the topic until the actual test day.

There are plenty of places where you can get full practice tests.

Cambridge books are excellent for this. They are real tests. ...Make sure to perform a full test at least once a week from start to finish. Give yourself three full hours without distraction.

Now what does this mean?

When you go to the official testing center, you cannot take your phone with you. You have no internet, no music, nothing. You're in a room with a group of other people.

Lock yourself in a room every Saturday morning, for example, and tell all your friends, family, and friends not to disturb you. Leave your phone outside the room, don't take it inside with you, and do it exactly as you would on test day.

Get used to this way of doing things. Now, if you take the full practice test a few times before the real test, you will too.

Understand what it's like to sit for at least three hours or two hours and 40 minutes and focus on the test.

Now, the speaking section might be a few minutes after the paper test, it might be a few hours later, it might be the next day. Get used to the idea, but learn to focus for a long period of time on the English language.

Talk more during exercise

Now, talking is a bit difficult because you won't have someone to meet. But get one of your friends or even go online. Have someone ask the questions and just practice answering them.


Correct your mistakes well

Record the answers, then listen and try to give yourself feedback.

Well, then you'll have to devise a strategy. What does this mean? This means creating a strategy for yourself as to what grades you need and what your overall goals are.

So, start by knowing what grades you need overall and individually. So let me give you an example.

You have person A and person B
Let us also assume person C.

Every one of you needs to
Different things.

Someone needs to
6.5 Overall, that's it.

It doesn't matter what you get
In each section separately.

In general, you need 6.5.

Person B needs a total of 7, minimum
7 in every category, in every section.

Person A needs 7.5 in total, or 7 in total
But a minimum of 7.5 in writing and reading.

These are just examples.

Know what degree you need

There are all kinds of combinations. Now, first of all: How do you know what grade you need? Well, if you're applying
To university...excuse me. If you are applying to university, go to the website of the department or college you are working in when you apply, they will tell you exactly what grades you need.

If you are applying for immigration, go to the government website for the country you want to travel to. They will tell you the grades you need,

Now, once you know the overall score or the specific things you need, you can create a strategy.

So let's say you need a 7 overall and a 7.0 range and it doesn't matter what you get for each section.

This gives you a lot of opportunities because if you are a very poor writer, for example, then you can aim for a 6 on the writing section, then you can aim for an 8 on the reading section, and your overall score will be 7, assuming you get a 7 or higher on Speaking and listening.

If you need a high writing score, start working on your writing first. Before you practice listening, before you
You practice reading, before you practice speaking, start working on your writing because that will take longer to improve your grades, to get the skills you need, to get the structures you need, etc.

If you need, for example, the highest degree of listening then start listening all the time to English; TV programs and radio programmes.

But especially start listening to actual IELTS content, IELTS listening exercises and practice tests.

Don't panic on exam day

Now, another way to make sure you don't panic and that you do a good job is to practice and comment. Now, I mentioned before
Practice test.

Now I'm talking about practicing each section individually. You need a minimum score in typing, practice
Writing ; You need a minimum score in reading, practice reading. Of course, practice all sections because you
Need them all for the test, but focus on your weakness.

And if you think you only need an overall score, focus on your strength, and it will raise your weak scores.
And you will get a good overall average.

  • Read every day.
  • Listen every day.
  • Write every day.
  • Talk every day.

If you know you're going to take the test three months from now, two months from now, a month from now, start
Training every day. Read anything in English.

Talk about it every chance you get. If you don't have anyone to talk to, talk to yourself. Watch yourself.

Listen to things online, get a transcript, just try to transcribe what the speaker said and record yourself, listen and compare.

Tips before the night of the IELTS test.

Don't study the night before, don't exercise, and don't read anything too complicated. Read a comic book, read a sports newspaper, listen to some English songs, or watch an English TV series, but just get your mind accustomed to the English language.

So when you go for the test the brain is already ready for the English coming at it.

The day before or the night before sleep at the right time, get a full night's sleep, be refreshed on test day.

If you are a coffee lover, drink your coffee early and do not drink another coffee before taking the test, because this will cause you to lose concentration.

Eat protein, eggs, any protein you want, eat it before you go for the test. You can take a water bottle with you
, That's it.

Make sure you're not hungry, make sure you're not thirsty.

Make sure you are up to date and focused on the English language.

Do not study the night before or the morning of.

That's all you have to do. I really hope you like this lesson, and I hope it helps you.