In just four years, you will obtain an engineering degree in Canadian universities that is undoubtedly recognized all over the world.
In our next article, learn about the most important information that will help you a lot in the coming months to know what to do, and to answer your question: Can I really join the Faculty of Engineering in Canadian universities?
Why not, of course you can join the college directly, but stop... let us learn about the conditions and then make your decision
Conditions for studying engineering in Canada
- You must have a high school diploma.
- Secondly, your academic average in this certificate must be higher than 70%.
- Third, you have learned or will learn in the near future the English language.
- Fourth, you have the ability to register your application online on the university’s website.
- Fifth, you have the ability to apply for a study visa to Canada.
Well, if you can achieve all or some of that, let's follow more information about studying engineering in Canada.!
Note: If your GPA is lower than what I mentioned previously, you can still register, but here you must take an important test such as the SAT. For more information about this test, see our separate article about the SAT.
The cost of studying engineering in Canadian universities
Do you think Canadian universities are too expensive for you? Whether you now answer with acceptance or rejection, there is no need to worry. If you compare Canada with another country, you will find that Canada offers excellent opportunities at its universities at very reasonable prices.
The cost of studying engineering in Canada is moderate compared to other countries, with annual tuition fees ranging between 15000 and 30000 Canadian dollars.
Have you noticed that the difference is wide and very large, but why?
The amount you will pay to the university depends on the region in which you will reside, meaning that not all Canadian universities have a unified financial system. There are universities located in cheap cities, and there are universities located in expensive cities. Therefore, you must know what you are going to do... Choose well!!
Fortunately, you can get approximately 50% of the annual discount on tuition fees or more by enrolling in one of the scholarships in Canada.
Best engineering universities in Canada
Our following list on the Study Shoot website contains the top 5 universities in Canada to study engineering, which are as follows:
- Queen's University
- Victoria University
- Carleton University
- McMaster University
- Carleton University
Don't worry, we will also provide you with the following information about the engineering departments and sub-specializations in each Canadian university according to our previous list.
1. Queen's University
You can study engineering in Canada at Queener University, for one of the following majors:
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- electrical engineering
- Engineering chemistry
- Engineering physics
- Geological engineering
- Mathematics and engineering
- Mechanical and materials engineering
- Mining engineering
2. Victoria University
By studying engineering in Canada, Victoria University allows you to focus on your areas of interest to make your degree unique. You can study many engineering disciplines at Victoria University
Victoria University offers one of the following majors:
- computer science
- Biomedical engineering
- Computer Engineering
- electrical engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Software Engineering
3. Carleton University
Carleton's Bachelor of Engineering is well known within Canada and abroad. This degree offers an exceptionally comprehensive range of 13 engineering disciplines.
Carleton University's acclaimed Bachelor of Engineering degree offers an exceptionally comprehensive range of programs. At Carleton University you can get a career as an engineer by studying one of the following majors:
- Aviation Engineering
- Conservation engineering and architectural sustainability
- Biomedical and electrical engineering
- Biomedical and mechanical engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Communications Engineering
- Computer systems engineering
- electrical engineering
- Engineering physics
- environmental engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Sustainable and renewable energy engineering
4. McMaster University
At McMaster University, you will obtain more than one engineering degree recognized all over the world. McMaster University provides you with experiences that will help you create a practical and scientific professional future on the broadest scale.
You can study one of the following majors at McMaster University:
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering*
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- electrical engineering
- Engineering physics
- Materials science and engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Mechatronics engineering
- Software Engineering
- Engineering and Management *
- Engineering and society*
5. Carleton University
As one of the country's leading institutions in the study and research of engineering, architecture, industrial design and information technology, Carleton University provides students with a challenging, diverse and flexible environment.
At Carleton University, you can study one of the engineering majors in Canada:
- Civil Engineering Program
- Civil Engineering Program
- Communications Engineering Program
- Communications Engineering Program
- Electrical Engineering Program
- Electrical Engineering Program
- Environmental Engineering Program
- Environmental Engineering Program
Studying engineering in Canadian universities is an excellent option for outstanding students seeking to build a promising future in this field.