Selling information products online

How to make money selling information products online

Are you interested in selling information products online and taking advantage of one of the fastest growing online business trends in history?

If so, get ready to discover how you can make money online simply by creating and selling information products on the Internet.

In this article, you will discover how to find a great market for digital information products, how to create a digital information product, and how you can market and sell your own digital information products.

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Product information

After the Internet became a mainstream phenomenon in the late 1990s, it changed life as we know it. Communications, travel, music,…shopping. 

Yes, merchants large and small have embraced the Internet as a way to sell to customers across the country...and around the world.

E-commerce has grown exponentially over the past decade and shows no signs of slowing down. Consider that 40 percent of the world's Internet users, more than a billion people, have shopped online at least once. 

Online sales between businesses and consumers worldwide reached $1.7 trillion in 2015...and grew to $2.35 trillion at the end of 2016.

Major e-merchants like Amazon and eBay, as well as traditional merchants like Walmart, have embraced the online business model wholeheartedly. 

But even though they may dominate the industry, that doesn't mean there isn't a place for newbies like you.

In fact, there has never been a better time to get involved in online selling as a solo entrepreneur. Making money with an online business is much easier than owning a brick-and-mortar store. The risks, investment and time spent are much less.

Along with all this e-commerce activity, a whole new style of creating and selling products has grown. It is the easiest, most cost-effective and often most profitable way to run an online business. I'm talking about selling media products.

Information dissemination and marketing industry

Before we dive into digital publishing specifically, let's take a step back and take a look at the information marketing and information publishing industry as a whole.

Although selling information products online is relatively new, the industry is not. The idea of ​​packaging, information and experience in a salable product has been around for a long time. When print publishing first appeared, people would write “how-to” books, and when audio cassette technology became available, they would record their information in the form of audios, etc.

The idea of ​​creating informational content and packaging it into something you can sell is not new, but the idea of ​​being able to do this online has opened up access to this industry for many people and made the opportunity more accessible.

What are digital information products?

An information product can come in all kinds of formats, but at its core, a product like this should convey useful tips to the consumer. 

Despite the name, people don't simply want information. They crave advice and strategies to improve their lives. They want guidance. This is what the best information products provide, whether it is a video, e-book, audio, webinar, or membership site...

Keep in mind that in this case, although a CD, DVD, or printed book is technically an information product, we want to focus only on those products that are delivered electronically, usually via download or some secure membership site. 

For example, a PDF e-book, a video on a password-protected site, or an audio recording downloaded from your website.

The reason for this is that this way your customers can order products at any time day or night, from anywhere in the world, and get their products instantly, without you being involved in the transaction. 

It's money while you sleep. And because you're not actually printing or shipping anything; There it practically does not cost you your end.

Sure, you'll have to deal with customer service and sales monitoring. But it's much less hassle than having to track and send orders.

Why you should sell digital information products online

There are many advantages with digital information products.

  1. It is easy and cheap. 
  2. You can create a digital information product using your time and mental energy.
  3.  Free when it comes to your financial investments. 
  4. You just need ideas.
  5. That if the product doesn't sell as well as you want, you won't put any money into the project. 
  6. This reduces risk and financial exposure because you don't have to commit to creating physical products or purchasing and storing large amounts of inventory.
  7. You can store large amounts of video, audio and digital files online at the lowest possible cost to store and deliver these products to end users.

At this point, you may be worried. You're thinking that if you have digital products that are sent to customers...what's to stop them from sending copies to their friends or selling them themselves? Nothing really. 

But rest assured that 99.9 percent of your customers won't. For the most part, information marketers don't care much about this sales-cannibalizing issue.

How to find a profitable market for information products

So how do you create information products...and make sure they'll be best sellers?

اFor the first step It is getting ideas for selling products. You need to follow trends and know what niche markets are the most profitable online right now and what format will work best to meet that need. A great place to start is with your own interests. If you can match a lucrative business with a passion, you're all set.

So start with interest you have. Start checking online to see if you're the only one who likes… online poker, for example. Look for blogs, Facebook groups, and online forums for discussions about this place. 

Look at the mainstream news – is it mentioned? Look at retailers like Amazon or eBay to see what products are for sale there.

For product information in particular, you should check the website , which used to specialize in information products although it has branched out into other areas.

You'll find many categories in all of these places, from yoga to travel planning to weight loss and fitness...there's sure to be something that interests you.

From all these sources, you will get a good idea whether this trend is viable with sales potential or not. You should also research the types of products offered, the topics they cover, the prices...this is also vital market data that you can use for guidance as you create and sell your own similar information products. You're not stealing or ripping – you're getting inspired.

It may seem counterintuitive to look for thriving markets and then try to join them. But it simply means that there is a ready market for your products. 

It's no good being a pioneer and trying to create a market from scratch – this is often a recipe for failure. Your prospect follows trends and sticks to fads… you should too. At least until the next trend comes along.

Once you find a market that you are passionate about and that is also profitable, it is time to create a product for that market.

How to create digital information products

In terms of creating your own information products, this is also easy. Remember that the content, whatever the form, must be useful.

Ideas for selling products

You can create how-to guides, strategies, tips and tricks… that offer something the customer couldn't get on their own.

For eBooks, magazines, and similar products, you can create them in Microsoft Word or Google Docs and then save them as a PDF.

For the cover, find a freelancer on a site like to create a professional-looking cover for you for very little money – less than $5. This will give your product a very professional look and feel.

To shoot videos, you can use your smartphone or a simple point-and-click camera. Once you have your “raw” movie file, you can use easy-to-use video editing software like iMovie (if you have a Mac) or Windows Movie Maker to create a cleanly edited video.

Creating a PowerPoint or Keynote slide show is a very popular option to create a slide show, then use screen recording software to videotape the slides as you go and narrate a presentation. You can also show your web browser or other software applications. This is great for people who are camera shy but want to harness the power of video. Popular software options include Camtasia and Screenflow.

The acoustics are also simple. Simply use GarageBand (if you have a Mac) or the Sound Recorder app on Windows Media Player to record your audio. You will need a microphone. You can also simply use an audio recording app on your smartphone to record audio as well.

If you're worried that you're not an expert, you can always outsource this information. There are two ways to do this.

أno , You can hire a ghostwriter to write an eBook for you, and you can interview others using something like Skype or GoToWebinar to help you create a product.

ثNow, You can buy the rights to existing products and rebrand them as your own. These types of products are called private label rights products and you can take the original files, put your name on them, and make as many additional changes or updates to them as you see fit. The key is that you don't have to be an expert to create and publish information products.

How to market information products

In many ways, no matter how advanced we are when it comes to technology and selling online...the same principles of marketing and consumer psychology hold true. This is certainly the case with your online project.

The name of the game here is direct response marketing. Back in the day, this was done using newsletters, letters, Magalog catalogs, catalogs, and other printed materials. Yes, the so-called “junk mail”. But they won't send her millions if it doesn't work. These days this type of content is sent electronically. And it still works like a charm to get customers to open their wallets.

The good news is that you don't have to spend a lot of money when engaging in direct response marketing online. Email marketing is an almost free way to get your products sold. This will be the basis of your marketing efforts.

The basic idea is to create a list of email subscribers. Send them useful content – ​​free valuable information related to your product/niche, as well as offers to purchase the products. 

Sending them free content will speed up the process of them getting to know, like, and trust you enough to buy your paid products. The novelty of buying things online wore off years ago, and now people have so many to choose from – it has to give them a warm, fuzzy feeling to be the one to buy from.

Yes, only a small percentage of people will respond. But that's how direct response works. You should have enough prospects coming in that even a small percentage of conversions will result in a profit.

To build an email list, you can use a variety of methods.

  1. Search engine optimization: In short, you are using valuable content on your website or blog to attract Google's attention and rank high in search results.
  2. Paid ads: Whether you use Google PPC ads, banner ads, or run ads on a blog network, this can be a viable, albeit expensive, option.
  3. Social media: Networks like Facebook are invaluable in reaching a targeted customer base these days.

How do you take it to the next level? You can take advantage of this small number of people who buy your introductory product, also known as your front-end product. You can contact these people differently than your regular subscribers.

Because they bought something, they are more likely to buy similar products. So you offer them deeper, higher-priced products, known as “back-end products.” This is where the big money is. The back-end product could be an individual training or event, for example.

Put everything together

As you can see, information products make the perfect online business. It's digital and easy to create and deliver. And huge profit margins.

So next steps...

  1.  Find your niche – make sure it has best-selling potential.
  2. Find out which format is best for your niche: audio, video, e-books, etc.
  3. Create your own information product.
  4. Create an email list and then market to that list.
  5. Win!