Horizon University Private Scholarship in the United States of America
Horizon University (HU) Scholarship provides opportunities for students to receive merit-based institutional scholarships. Both domestic and international students are eligible for financial support opportunities. To be considered for financial support, students must submit an application to the Admissions Office.
Types of Scholarships at Horizon University
Board of Directors Scholarship
The Horizon University Scholarship was established by the Horizon University Board of Directors to honor students who have demonstrated or have the potential to demonstrate exceptional abilities and contributions. This scholarship is available to a student who meets one of the following conditions:
- A current or former employee of Horizon University;
- Any relatives of Horizon University employees;
- Scholarship amount: 50% of tuition fees
President's Scholarship
The Horizon University Presidential Merit Scholarship was established to honor students who have demonstrated or have the potential to demonstrate exceptional abilities and contributions. Students who qualify for this scholarship must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.85.
Scholarship amount: 50% of tuition fees
Director of Academies Scholarship
The Director of Academies Scholarship is awarded to full-time students who have demonstrated excellent performance in academic activities. Students must be pursuing study at Horizon University and demonstrate exceptional talent and contribution in their major field.
Scholarship amount: 50% of tuition fees
Freshman Scholarship
The Freshman Academic Scholarship is awarded to full-time students in their first year who demonstrate leadership and potential for excellent performance in academic activities.
Scholarship amount: ranges between 20% and 50% of the tuition fees
Continuing Student Scholarship
The Horizon University Continuing Student Scholarship is awarded to students who are in full-time study and demonstrate the leadership and financial need for this scholarship.
Scholarship amount: ranges between 20% and 50% of the tuition fees
Documents required to register for the Horizon University scholarship
- Application form
- A copy of a valid passport
- Bank statement or Form I-134 Affidavit of Support
- Proof of graduation (Bachelor's degree: High school (or equivalent) or highest degree earned
- Master's Degree: Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) or highest degree earned)