The Max Planck International Research Scholarship for Science invites applications for a grant where successful applicants will receive a starting stipend of €1450 and will cover living expenses in the Munich area.

Max Planck grant funding

التسجيل متاح على مدار العام مع تفضيل واضح لأشهر الصيف. يعمل كل متدرب تحت إشراف أحد أعضاء هيئة التدريس في المعاهد المشاركة. تعتمد مشاريع training على الاهتمامات الأكاديمية للمتدرب وخبرته السابقة.

  • A monthly salary of 1450 euros
  • It will cover living expenses in the Munich area.
  • Exemption from full tuition fees at the Max Planck Institute
  • 110 euros per semester for books
  • Housing is equivalent to an amount of 450 to 600 euros
  • Full health insurance coverage
  • Help can be provided in obtaining a study visa in Germany
  • Can help cover travel expenses

Conditions for the Max Planck Scholarship in Germany

  1. A scholarship is given to anyone who wishes to study a master’s degree, provided that he is one of the first students to study a bachelor’s degree.
  2. Students who hold a bachelor's degree without honors are also allowed to apply, but on the condition that their bachelor's degree is not less than four full years old.
  3. Bachelor's, Master's and PhD students: They must have a strong background in computer science and an interest in research.

  1. Theses students: The internship project can be converted into a thesis if the student’s university allows it.
  2. Pre-doctoral students: This is an opportunity to explore computer science research before embarking on a research career.
  3. لا يشترط معرفة اللغة الألمانية. تُستخدم English language كلغة عمل رئيسية.

Registration for the Max Planck Scholarship

  •  Create a new account on the official website.
  •  Fill out the grant application information.
  •  Attach the documents previously required from you to the application file.
  •  Send the application to the donor.

Documents required for submission

  • A copy of the passport or ID.
  • The last certificate you obtained must be translated.
  • A statement of the student’s grades for the last academic degree obtained, translated into English.
  • Motivation letter.
  • At least two letters of recommendation.
  • Biography.
  • Training certificates if you have them.
  • Work experience certificates if you have previous experience.

At Study Shoot, we help you cover and prepare the documents required to register for the scholarship, and the most important of these documents are the CV, motivation letter, and Recommendation letters.

This unique opportunity opens wide doors for students and researchers to gain distinguished experiences and work within a world-leading research environment. Max Planck training It is not just an ordinary training, it is an opportunity to explore new horizons in the world of computer science.

This experience allows you to work with an elite group of researchers and specialists in various fields such as informatics, software systems, security and privacy. You will work directly on pioneering research projects, giving you the opportunity to apply what you have learned in an advanced practical environment.